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Concerts Portsmouth

The Shires
Concert ∙ Country The Shires Tomorrow 19:30 Wedgewood Rooms, Portsmouth, uk
Jaws the Shark
Concert ∙ Pop Jaws the Shark thu 26/9/2024 Wedgewood Rooms, Portsmouth, uk
Steve Hackett - Genesis Greats
Concert ∙ Pop ∙ Classic Steve Hackett - Genesis Greats thu 3/10/2024 Portsmouth Guildhall, Portsmouth, uk
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Concert SNAYX sat 5/10/2024 Moonshine, Portsmouth, uk
Sea Girls
Concert ∙ Indie Sea Girls sun 6/10/2024 Portsmouth Guildhall, Portsmouth, uk
Pom Poko
Concert ∙ Indie ∙ Pop Pom Poko mon 7/10/2024 Wedgewood Rooms, Portsmouth, uk
Come What May
Concert ∙ Electro Come What May wed 9/10/2024 Portsmouth Guildhall, Portsmouth, uk
Joe Jackson
Concert ∙ Jazz ∙ Pop Joe Jackson thu 10/10/2024 Portsmouth Guildhall, Portsmouth, uk
Concert ∙ Rock ∙ Folk Pretenders fri 11/10/2024 Portsmouth Guildhall, Portsmouth, uk
When Rivers Meet
Concert ∙ Pop When Rivers Meet fri 11/10/2024 Moonshine, Portsmouth, uk
The Dream Machine
Concert ∙ Pop The Dream Machine thu 17/10/2024 Wedgewood Rooms, Portsmouth, uk
Paul Weller
Concert ∙ Pop Paul Weller fri 18/10/2024 Portsmouth Guildhall, Portsmouth, uk
African Head Charge
Concert African Head Charge sat 19/10/2024 Wedgewood Rooms, Portsmouth, uk
Kezia Gill
Concert ∙ Country Kezia Gill sun 20/10/2024 Wedgewood Rooms, Portsmouth, uk
Bob Vylan
Concert Bob Vylan wed 23/10/2024 Portsmouth Guildhall, Portsmouth, uk
Concert Fliptrix fri 25/10/2024 Moonshine, Portsmouth, uk
Concert ∙ Rock ∙ Blues 10CC sat 26/10/2024 Portsmouth Guildhall, Portsmouth, uk
Concert ∙ Rock ∙ Pop Modernlove. sat 26/10/2024 Wedgewood Rooms, Portsmouth, uk
Event type