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Concerts in Prague 19. 3.

Concert ∙ Metal ∙ Hardcore Polaris tue 19/3/2024 Meetfactory, Prague, cz
Concert ∙ Rock Katapult tue 19/3/2024 Forum Karlín, Prague, cz
Concert ∙ Folk ∙ Pop Pokáč tue 19/3/2024 Lucerna Music Bar, Prague, cz
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Quatro Por Cinco
Concert Trendz tue 19/3/2024 Palác Akropolis, Prague, cz
The Dokk + Die Kabbelka
Concert ∙ Rock ∙ Pop The Dokk + Die Kabbelka tue 19/3/2024 Café V Lese, Prague, cz
Pocta Alfrédu Strejčkovi: Štěpán Rak
Concert ∙ Classic Pocta Alfrédu Strejčkovi: Štěpán Rak tue 19/3/2024 Břevnovský klášter, Prague, cz
Lili Marlene
Concert ∙ Rock Lili Marlene tue 19/3/2024 Malostranská Beseda, Prague, cz
Konektiv Night: 2020 Revisited Almost
Concert ∙ Electro Konektiv Night: 2020 Revisited Almost tue 19/3/2024 Punctum, Prague, cz
Die Verwandlung
Concert Die Verwandlung tue 19/3/2024 Hybernská 4, Prague, cz
Tribute to World Legends: Ray Charles
Concert ∙ Jazz Tribute to World Legends: Ray Charles tue 19/3/2024 Reduta Jazz Club, Prague, cz
Concert ∙ Rock ∙ Pop Normandie wed 20/3/2024 Meetfactory, Prague, cz
Oswald Schneider
Concert ∙ Jazz Oswald Schneider wed 20/3/2024 Kamina boat, Prague, cz
The Clockworks
Concert ∙ Rock ∙ Punk The Clockworks wed 20/3/2024 Café V Lese, Prague, cz
Space of Variations + Up!Great
Concert ∙ Rock ∙ Metal Space of Variations + Up!Great wed 20/3/2024 Rock Café, Prague, cz
Concert ∙ Folk ∙ Pop Pokáč wed 20/3/2024 Lucerna Music Bar, Prague, cz
Concert ∙ Pop ∙ Rock Crossband wed 20/3/2024 Malostranská Beseda, Prague, cz
Event type