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ABBA Voyage
Concert ∙ Pop ABBA Voyage Today 19:45 ABBA Arena, London, uk
OVERKILL, support
Concert ∙ Metal OVERKILL, support Today 18:00 Collosseum Club, Košice, sk
Concert ∙ Pop LEA Today 19:30 Palladium, Cologne, de

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Lucie 40 Let
Concert ∙ Rock ∙ Pop Lucie 40 Let tue 9/12/2025 O2 Arena, Prague, cz
Concert Elderbrook thu 14/11/2024 SaSaZu, Prague, cz
The Last Dinner Party + support: Katy J Pearson
Concert ∙ Rock ∙ Pop The Last Dinner Party + support: Katy J Pearson sun 10/11/2024 SaSaZu, Prague, cz
girl in red
Concert ∙ Pop girl in red mon 23/9/2024 Forum Karlín, Prague, cz
Concert ∙ Pop L'Impératrice mon 9/12/2024 Roxy Prague, Prague, cz
Concert ∙ World ∙ Folk DakhaBrakha thu 21/11/2024 SaSaZu, Prague, cz
Concert ∙ Indie Palace sat 9/11/2024 Meetfactory, Prague, cz
Jonas Brothers
Concert ∙ Pop Jonas Brothers tue 15/10/2024 O2 Arena, Prague, cz
Imagine Dragons
Concert ∙ Pop Imagine Dragons mon 9/6/2025 Letiště Letňany, Prague, cz

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